6145 Alma Rd., McKinney, TX 75070 [email protected]


Thank you to everyone that attended last Sundays event. Through your generosity and support we were able to collect a truckload of school supplies for Finch Elementary in downtown McKinney.
Pictures from the event have been posted and can be seen at the link below.
Award Winners
Team with Most Donated School Supplies: Power 15-3 ($50 towards team outing)
Costume Contest
1st place: Grace Stegemoller (Needle face)
2nd place: Kalea Smither  (Spider face)
3rd place: Wells Goetzmann (Cry Baby)
Group Costume Contest 
Power 14-1 (Social Media)

Thank you for helping make the Halloween party a success, a big thank you to Jen Nordin for organizing it!

2016 Halloween and School Supply Charity Event Pictures