Power believes in offering our athletes every opportunity to improve their skills and knowledge of volleyball. One such way is to participate in private lessons. “Privates” are a great way for individual attention to be given to your athlete to focus on a particular skill or aspect of volleyball.  If you prefer a more one-on-one environment or maybe a small group (2-3 kids), privates lessons with our experienced coaching staff is the best option for this. During a private lesson the parents will be responsible for the court fee (generally $50-60)+ coaches fees ($25-$45 depending on the coach).


Please reach out to the following coaches if you have an interest in privates for your son or daughter!


Coach Tony Duenas: tony@powervolleyballclub.com   Phone: 972-322-4647

Coach Chris Finseth: chris@powervolleyballclub.com  Phone: 469-371-6573

Coach Lindsey Williams: lindsey.r.williams@gmail.com  

Coach Erica Ranel: ericaranel@gmail.com  Phone: 903-407-8882

 Coach Yvonne Mackenzie: yvonne.s.mackenzie07@gmail.com  Phone: 469-463-7164