6145 Alma Rd., McKinney, TX 75070 [email protected]

When you arrive on this day, you will check in with our registration desk and your daughter will go to the courts to start warming up. We will call athletes and their parents one by one and team by team to finalize all paperwork. Here is a preview to what to expect that day.

  • We will sign the official offer and acceptance form from the North Texas Region
  • We will sign Power’s financial agreement contract that outlines the financial agreement you are committing to.
  • You will pay the initial down payment of $1200 for the season paid by Check.
    • We will offer a 2.5% discount off total dues If you wish to pay the entire balance off with Cash or Check only.
  • You will log into your USAV Webpoint account and select POWER as your club affiliation.
    • This is one of the most important steps. Please remember your login information so we can update your account this day when you sign.
  • We will get the girls fitted for uniforms for the upcoming season
    • It will be extremely important that parents be available for this part as you will be signing off on your daughters sizes. Please make sure they are fitted properly
  • You will have opportunities to purchase spirit wear (VIEW HERE)
  • We will provide you with a document outlining practice and tournament information and upcoming club dates (meeting and club wide skills, etc)

Once these steps are completed, the girls will have the opportunity to play around on our courts and use the time as an open gym or you are free to go for the day.

Thank you all for your support this long off-season and for choosing Power Volleyball as your new home!


Power Volleyball Tryouts Dates and Times

September 24, 2016 – 3:00 – 6:00 pm  (10’s-13’s)

October 1, 2016 – 3:00 – 6:00 pm  (14’s-15’s)

October 8, 2016 – 3:00 – 6:00 pm  (16’s-18’s)

**All Tryouts will be held at the Sports Cabana at Craig Ranch.

The Sports Cabana at Craig Ranch

6145 Alma Rd, McKinney, TX 75070


Items we will be collecting at tryouts include:

– Proof of USAV membership (Click here to renew)
– Tryout Fees $40 (Checks made payable to Power Volleyball Club) or Register Online
– Cash or Checkbook for initial down payment (payment required to accept an offer)
Please arrive 30 minutes before the tryout time to have plenty of time to check in.

Have a great week and I’ll see you all Saturday!